- What if my parents stayed in Phoenix, Arizona?
- What if my Dad didn't get a job with Westinghouse in Maryland?
- What if I wasn't the oldest and middle child?
- What if I was an only child?
- What if I wasn't an introvert?
- What if I followed my dream when I was younger?
- What if I married the right person?
- What if I had more than one child?
- What if I didn't lose my job?
I could continue on and on but let's look at it in a different way.
- What if God didn't create anything -- no heaven and earth, no light, no waters, no dry land, no sun or moon, no plants, no birds, no creatures in the sea, no animals on the land?
- What if God didn't create Adam and Eve?
- What if Adam and Eve hadn't sinned?
- What if Cain hadn't killed Abel?
Again, I could continue throughout the Bible but...….
- What if Jesus never came to earth as a baby born to Joseph and Mary?
- What if Jesus didn't die on the cross?
- What if Jesus didn't raise from the dead?
- What if there was no Holy Spirit?
- What if we didn't have the promise and hope of Jesus return?
That's something to think about, isn't it?
I remember on my way to work a man several mornings on the light rail train walking up and down the aisles talking about Jesus. All the people just looked out the windows as he spoke. It was around five o'clock in the morning so they looked out into darkness. One day just before he got off the train he asked "Have you considered Jesus?" I wondered how many people left the train with that thought on their mind as they either went on to work or wherever they were going. Did it make a difference in their lives? What if what that man said made a difference in someones life? I believe it did. I believe someone on that train, even though they were looking out into darkness, saw the light of Jesus that they so much needed.
What about you, have you considered Jesus?
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