Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Road Not Taken

Reality smacked me the other day. It wasn't pleasant. Although not a surprise, as I knew it was inevitable, it was still a hard hit. Foolishly I thought I could avoid it. So here I was at the edge of the road I had taken realizing that I couldn't go any further.

There was no way across and I couldn't get down. Months before I had made a decision hoping that things would work out the way I intended. It was the right move; I am sure of that. Facing the vast expanse before me I looked for a different way. There it was; another path. I didn't particularly care for it as this direction would require me to unload a few things that I had accumulated. Things of no importance in the end but nonetheless had been acquired through dreams and hard work of life's travels. As is my custom I immediately began making plans; realizing it would be easier, although still difficult, with the lighter load. Unbelievably, in the mist of all this another path became visible.

It too was one of difficulties. Whereas the first path required loss right from the start the other one's loss would take place further down the road. Both seemed impossible. But much like Ann Kiemel I love the word "impossible"! When things are impossible I know that I will have opportunities to see God at work in my life. That doesn't mean it's going to be easy or go smoothly. I will still have branches in my way, debris on the trail, boulders to climb and some rain along the way. For some strange reason I have always appreciated the storm. Perhaps because I know after the rain will be growth.

Which path will I take? I'm not sure and to be honest I don't believe it really makes a difference. All I know is as I meet others on this journey I want to give them shelter from the storm. And it's not my shelter that I want to offer for that would only be a 'lean-to' but the shelter I want for others has a sure foundation that is strong and will give them hope during the storm. (November 9, 2012)

The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house, and it didn't fall, for it was founded on the rock. Matthew 7:25 (HNV)

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